Built to change HoKo Talentförderung
The picture shows Yasmina and Maike out and about on the Ruhr University campus.
Maike and Yasmina both take part in the talent scout program at Ruhr University Bochum.

Empowering Talents

Taking the step into university education – for many, this is a major hurdle. This is especially true for all those people to whom an academic career was not handed on a silver platter. Ruhr University Bochum has demonstrated its commitment to first-generation academics ever since its inception.

The university’s talent scouts like Yasmina and Maike visit schools in order to encourage talented students and give them a leg up.

Yasmina never thought that a scholarship would be a viable option until she discovered Ruhr University Bochum via the talent scout program . She is now studying law on a scholarship. Maike, who is just starting her studies in Educational Science and Theater Studies, also explored the opportunities offered by Ruhr University Bochum while still at school. She got to know the campus at talent meetings and workshops. And she knew exactly where she wanted to go: Ruhr University Bochum – where else?

Build to change Talentförderung

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