Studierende im Workshop
Studierende im Workshop

Cultural and international diversity

RUB welcomes people of different nationalities and cultures to work, study, research and live together.

Diverse nationalities and cultures are an asset to the academic community on campus. Different experiences and backgrounds broaden horizons. They provide racism-critical, postcolonial perspectives and innovative teaching and research concepts. At the same time, different socialisations and values can also lead to conflicts, misunderstandings and discriminatory incidents.

We are therefore currently setting up a central contact centre (anti-discrimination officer), where anyone affected by such issues will receive competent advice. On the RUB campus, respectful and equal treatment should be given to everyone.

International Office

The International Office is the contact point for international students, researchers and lecturers at RUB. For globally networked research and teaching as well as international study programmes, RUB faculties and institutions cooperate in many active partnerships and exchange information with universities and institutes worldwide.

A well-defined internationalisation strategy and the comprehensive services of the International Office contribute to the steady expansion of these networks.

International portal

The international portal provides international students, lecturers and researchers with essential information about their residence at RUB, RUB members with everything they need to know about their opportunities for international mobility and cooperation, and all interested parties with more information about the RUB’s internationalisation activities.

International portal

University without borders

As a university without borders, RUB is actively and sustainably committed to the integration of refugees. Guidance and counselling services are available from the moment students take up their degree to the time they start their careers. Ruhr-Universität is currently actively involved in helping refugees from Ukraine.

Refugee academics receive support in order to continue their research in Bochum. In addition, RUB is sustainably committed to the reconstruction of university sectors in former crisis and conflict countries.

School without Borders

Refugees attending secondary school are supported and guided on their way to a university degree in the project School without Borders.

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