Digitalisierung_Verwaltung_UV-Gebäude_Universitätsverwaltung (EN)
The building oft he university administration

Digitalization in Administration

Ruhr University Bochum’s (RUB) administration sees itself as a service provider for support processes for education and research. In its mission statement, the administration defines how to fulfill this service role. Thanks to digitalization, the administration can meet the requirements even better.


In order to tackle the complexity of the digital transformation in a structured manner, the chancellor and the heads of department launched the "Process orientation and digitalization in administration" (PDV) program in 2019. Under the umbrella of this program, the administrative department intends to provide services that ...

  • are user and process-oriented,
  • can be utilized without media disruption,
  • are independent of time and location.

Since the end of 2023, "Digital RUB" has formed the new umbrella for the strategic digitalization projects at Ruhr University Bochum, replacing the PDV program. The new name reflects the fact that a large number of the projects running under the program have a broader scope and objectives than the administration. It also provides a suitable platform for projects such as the introduction of a new campus management project.

Digitalization strategy (German)

Digitalisierung Endgeräte

Shaping the digital transformation in the university, bundling requirements and tackling them in a structured way – these are the key objectives of the program “Digitale RUB”.

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