Digitalisierung_Forschung_Roboter (EN)
Small robot, coloured yellow and black

Digitalization in Research

How does digitalization affect society? What are the chances and hazards associated with it? How can we benefit from the opportunities it offers? Ruhr University Bochum researchers study questions such as these in-depth.

These institutions study digitalization:

Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security

At Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security (HGI), 200 researchers bundle their competencies in interdisciplinary work groups. At one of the largest and most renowned university institutes for IT security in Europe, students and researchers pursue fundamental research in the fields of cryptography, security for the Internet of Things, usability and data protection, to name but a few. Consequently, at HGI world-class research goes hand in hand with transfer into practice.

Center for Advanced Internet Studies

Located in close vicinity to the RUB campus, the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS) researches into the social, political and economic changes caused by digitalization. The CAIS then shares the results of its research with other academic institution and via transfer with the society.

Institute for Intellectual Property, Data Protection, and Information Technology

Data protection and security are two crucial issues associated with digitalisation. The Institute for Intellectual Property, Data Protection, and Information Technology (IGEDI, German website) studies the legal aspects thereof.

Digital Services for Researchers

Our researchers collaborate in international networks. Regardless of time and place, they store, process, and exchange knowledge. At Ruhr University Bochum, they can moreover take advantage of numerous digital services that facilitate their daily routine and the organization thereof.

Service portal for staff members (German)

Research generates large data volumes. In order to store the research results in a structured manner and edit them for subsequent projects, our researchers make use of a digital research data management tool. Thus, they can use academic data for projects with partners at other higher-education institutions.

Research data management

Professorships for more Digitalization

In order to continuously optimize its research endeavors, RUB is awarding additional tenure-track professorships that focus on researching into the digitalization of science and society.

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