Digitalisierung_Lehre_Handy_Tablet_Laptop (EN)
A hand holds a mobil (you can see RUB-Instagram), in the background you can see a laptop and a tablet lying on a desk

Digitalization in Teaching

In the wake of digitalization, the competencies acquired by students in their degree course are changing – including for example new research methods, networked and time-shifted working or innovative contents such as the utilization of virtual reality.

Interactive educational games, remote labs, videos presenting the topics covered in the most recent lectures, or comprehensive collections of materials: RUB lecturers and tutors use digital technologies for their research-based teaching that fosters the practical approach. Thus, they create flexible teaching-studying scenarios that are independent of time and location, and they facilitate inclusive learning.

At the same time, RUB lecturers and tutors nurture a critical and thoughtful attitude towards digital technology and virtual media in their students. Thus, RUB prepares its students for an increasingly more digitalized workplace and living environment.

Our Credo

Digitalization of teaching makes it possible to …

  • enhance seminars and lectures with digital resources.
  • use freely accessible teaching materials and give others access to one’s own teaching materials.
  • perform competence-oriented assessments with digital examinations.
  • implement international online teaching formats.
  • prepare international students for a degree course at RUB.
  • provide mentoring and assistance digitally to exchange students during their semester abroad.
  • render teaching-learning processes more flexible, family-friendly and inclusive.
Digitalization Strategy in Teaching
Digitalisierung_Lehre_Strategie_vr-Brille_KM (EN)
Man working in virtual reality

Ruhr University Bochum's enhanced digitalization strategy takes into account new digital possibilities such as AI for teaching and studying. The strategy includes objectives and measures in the following areas:

  • Digital competencies and teaching-learning scenarios
  • Digital teaching and digital exams
  • Feedback and examination culture
  • Internationalization
  • Digital accessibility
  • Infrastructure and support

Digitalization strategy

E-Learning in Teaching

E-learning constitutes a crucial element of many lectures and seminars at RUB. Lecturers and tutors are provided a wealth of programs, services, and tools in order to digitally enhance their seminars and lectures. RUB primarily utilizes the learning platform Moodle to facilitate user-friendly e-learning and to supply students with comprehensive and clearly structured information. Tutors in the e-team digitalization (German) in the eLearning section of the Centre for Teaching and Learning (Zentrum für Wissenschaftsdidaktik, ZfW) provide advice to members of the teaching staff to help them find online services that meet their requirements, to set them up and to use them efficiently.

Digital Services for Teaching Staff

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