From the NRW state parliament’s decision of incorporation to excellence nowadays: Ruhr University’s history of more than 50 years is a track record of success.
November 2024: Minister President Hendrik Wüst and Science Minister Ina Brandes open the Research Center One Health Ruhr
October 2024: Foundation stone laid for the new NA replacement building as part of the campus modernization project
October 2024: Groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy
May 2024: The Alfried Krupp Student Laboratory of Science at Ruhr-Universität Bochum celebrates its 20th anniversary
October 2023: Launch of the Research Alliance Ruhr research cooperation
October 2023: Expansion of the UNIC network - European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition - to ten network partners
July 2023: Start of the GC discontinuation
November 2022: Adoption of the Sustainable RUB 2030 mission statement
October 2022: RUB starts a winter semester in presence again for the first time since 2019 Since March 2020, the coronavirus pandemic had forced employees to work from home and students and lecturers to learn remotely.
July 2022: RUB's first research building opens on Mark 51°7, the former Opel site: the Center for the Engineering of Smart Product-Service Systems (ZESS)
January 2022: Start of pollutant remediation and demolition NA
October 2021: For the first time in more than 35 years, RUB founds a new faculty, namely Computer Science
October 2020: The UNIC network is funded by the European Commission. RUB cooperates with universities from Bilbao, Cork, Istanbul, Liège, Oulu, Rotterdam and Zagreb.
August 2020: Topping-out ceremony for the ZESS (Center for the Engineering of Smart Product-Service Systems) research building is celebrated at Mark 51°7
March 2020: Corona forces the university to switch to emergency operation. The start of the summer semester is postponed by two weeks, from then on teaching takes place as distance learning.
September 2018: Approval of two Clusters of Excellence: Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Attackers (CaSa) and Ruhr Explores Solvation (RESOLV):
June 2018: Inauguration of the new Lern- und Forschungsfabrik (learning and research factory)
May 2018: Foundation of the Research Academy Ruhr, joint promotion of early career researchers by RUB, TU Dortmund University and the University of Duisburg-Essen
April 2018: 40 years of advanced scientific training at RUB, since 1999 under the roof of Akademie der RUB
September 2017: Promotion of early career researchers: acquisition of 18 Tenure Track Professorships
March 2017: 10th anniversary of University Alliance Ruhr
February 2017: Inauguration of the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS)
November/December 2016: Launch of the North Rhine-Westphalian funding schemes NRW-Fortschrittskolleg RePliR (Religious Pluralism and its Regulation in the Region) and SecHuman (Security for People in Cyberspace)
November 2016: Groundbreaking ceremony for the research building ProDi (Centre for Molecular Protein Diagnostics) on the Bochum Health Campus
October 2016: Grant extensions for the teaching projects inSTUDIES (as inSTUDIESplus) and ELLI (Excellent Teaching and Learning in Engineering Sciences; as ELLI 2)
June 2016: Approval of the research building ZESS (Centre for Engineering of Smart Product Service Systems)
May 2016: Inauguration of the research building ZEMOS (Centre for Molecular Spectroscopy and Simulation of Solvent-directed Processes)
May 2016: Foundation stone laid for new IA, IB and GD buildings
April 2016: Launch of the fitness centre Unifit in the city of Bochum
January 2016: Launch of the Research Department Closed Carbon Cycle Economy
November 2015: Inauguration of Museum unter Tage as part of the “Situation Kunst – für Max Imdahl” ensemble in Weitmarer Schlosspark
June 2015: Celebrations and main ceremony of the anniversary “50 years of RUB – 50 years of university town Bochum”
October 2014: Inauguration of the new Student Service Center (SSC) and the Alfried Krupp Experimental Laboratory for Young People
April 2014: Launch of the Q-West gastronomy centre on campus
October 2013: Inauguration of the Blue Square, the RUB’s building in the city of Bochum
October 2013: Conversion and re-opening of the former Kirchenforum at Unicenter – now Universitätsforum (UFO)
October 2013: Inauguration of the redeveloped IC building
July 2012: Approval of research building ZGH (Centre for Interface-dominated High-Performance Materials)
June 2012: Success in the Excellence Initiative – RUB is awarded the Cluster of Excellence RESOLV (Ruhr Explores Solvation) in the field of chemistry and a grant extension for the cross-campus Graduate School RUB Research School
May 2012: Inauguration of the new Sport Sciences building on the Health Campus
May 2012: 50th anniversary of the Bochum university library
April 2012: Opening of the daycare centre Unikids
November 2011: Completion of the Beckmanns Hof extension
November 2010: Inauguration of the first new building on campus: ID
September 2010: Foundation of the Professional School of Education
September 2010: Groundbreaking ceremony for the daycare centre UniKids
December 2009: Foundation of the Protein Research Institute PURE
September 2009: Foundation of “Geisteswissenschaftliches Schülerlabor” (Humanities Laboratory for Young People)
January 2009: Launch of the first three Research Departments, two others resume work; in December the Center for Religious Studies CERES is launched
June 2008: Official launch of the ICAMS material research centre (Interdisciplinary Centre of Advanced Materials Simulation)
June 2008: Funding of the RUB’s excellence development: the Land NRW and the Mercator Foundation back the launch of Research Departments and Mercator Research Groups with 30 million euros
January 2008: Constituent meeting of the Board of Governors as new managerial body
April 2007: Start of comprehensive campus redevelopment measures and implementation of the RUB’s site development plan with the construction of ID building
March 2007: Foundation of University Alliance Metropole Ruhr (UAMR, today UA Ruhr) by the universities of Bochum, Dortmund and Duisburg-Essen
November 2006: Start of the cross-campus graduate school “Ruhr University Research School” as a project funded under the umbrella of Excellence Initiative I
November 2005: Launch of the University Language Centre
February 2004: Launch of the Alfried Krupp Experimental Laboratory for Young People
October 2000: Launch of the first Bachelor’s/Master’s degree at RUB
April 1999: Further education becomes the RUB’s third core competence: foundation of Akademie der Ruhr-Universität (advanced training academy)
June 1998: The “Bochum model” is permanently established and renamed “Klinikum der Ruhr-Universität Bochum”
March 1998: Spin-off of the transfer institution as the research and collecting society rubitec – Gesellschaft für Innovation und Technologie mbH
November 1997: Radio c.t. is the first student-run campus radio in Germany to be assigned its own frequency
December 1993: Constituent meeting of the RUB’s first Board of Trustees
October 1993: Beginning of Magister’s degree reform model: origin of “Bologna” before “Bologna”
April 1991: Launch of the technology centre (MB building)
March 1990: Launch of “Situation Kunst (für Max Imdahl)”
May 1984: Launch of Musisches Zentrum
January 1977: Start of the “Bochum model of application-oriented medical training”
October 1975: Lauch of Unikontakt: first transfer hub between industry and science at a German university
January 1975: Launch of the Art Collections
June 1971: Launch of the Botanical Garden (today one of the ten largest in Germany)
June 1965: Inauguration of the university (first lectures commence in November)
July 1961: Decision by the Parliament of North Rhine Westphalia: the first new university established in the Federal Republic of Germany will be located in Bochum