Fireworks above the Audimax of RUB


Ruhr University has had a proven track record of success since day one. Outstanding achievements, discoveries and accolades have been the result of dedicated teamwork.


Research Center opened

Minister President Hendrik Wüst and Science Minister Ina Brandes open the One Health Ruhr Research Center of the University Alliance Ruhr. A total of 27 out of 50 research professorships can be filled with top international scientists by the end of 2024.

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Combined strength

With combined strength, the University Alliance Ruhr reaches the second round of the Excellence Strategy competition: researchers from Bochum, Dortmund, Duisburg and Essen are involved in a total of four research projects that are submitting a full application as a Cluster of Excellence. The decision will be made in May 2025.

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European study program on superdiversity

The European SEOS degree course impresses with its high quality: superdiversity is the focus of the newly accredited Master's degree course, which is offered jointly by eight universities in the UNIC network.

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Laying of the foundation stone NA

At the laying of the foundation stone for the NA building, NRW Science Minister Ina Brandes contributes a pair of miniature rubber boots to the time capsule - an allusion to the first generation of teachers and students from the early days of Ruhr University Bochum, when rubber boots were the tried and tested footwear on the large campus construction site.

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20 years of the student lab

Anniversary: Founded in 2004, the Alfried Krupp School Lab of Science is now a beacon in the region and beyond. The school laboratory sees itself as a place for connecting all subjects - since 2009, the humanities and social sciences have also been included.

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Strong Start for the Research Alliance Ruhr

The University Alliance Ruhr celebrates the successful launch of its new research cooperation. Founded on the initiative of the Ruhr Conference and funded by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, 50 joint research professorships are being created here to address pressing issues of the future.

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Partnership in Action

By signing the Magna Charta Universitatum 2020, the three partners of the University Alliance Ruhr are jointly committing themselves to the universal tasks of universities. The Magna Charta Universitatum bundles universal values and principles that connect universities across eras and countries.

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EU Excellence Funding

The new European Joint Degree Master's program "Redesigning the Post-industrial City" receives EU excellence funding of almost 6 million euros. Ruhr University developed the course together with the partner universities of the UNIC consortium.

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Sustainably Improving Mental Health

With this goal in mind, the German Center for Mental Health is starting its work. The two-year start-up phase begins with seven research projects.

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Topping-out Ceremony

Things are progressing well: the topping-out ceremony for the THINK research building is celebrated on the Mark 51°7 technology campus - the former Opel site. New space for the neurosciences in Bochum is being created here.

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Kick-off for the technology campus

The ZESS research building is opened on the Mark 51°7 technology campus, the former Opel site. The center for the engineering of smart product service systems marks the start of the science and technology quarter there. Right next door, the THINK research building is being built and will be completed in 2025.

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Anniversary for excellent research

Ten years of the RESOLV Cluster of Excellence: the anniversary is celebrated at Zeche Zollverein. in 2012, the Ruhr Explores Solvation cluster of excellence was approved at Ruhr University Bochum. Today, solvent research from the Ruhr region is world-renowned.

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Well founded!

In the first nationwide top-50 ranking of start-up universities, Ruhr University Bochum landed in an excellent 6th place. With the Worldfactory Start-up Center (WSC), Ruhr University Bochum has a central contact point when it comes to start-ups and transfer, also for students.

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Sustainable RUB 2030

How RUB wants to become more sustainable: With the Mission Statement Sustainable RUB 2030, the university formulates the goal of making a decisive contribution to the current global challenges as a sustainable university.

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NRW promotes international top-level research

The expansion of international top-level research at the University Alliance Ruhr kicks off with the signing of the cooperation agreement to establish the Research Alliance Ruhr. Four Research Centres and one College intend to attract top international scientists for their groundbreaking research projects. The NRW government will be providing up to 75 million euros from Ruhr Conference funds for the start-up phase until 2024.

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The region makes sports history

The world’s leading student top class sports competition is coming to the Rhine-Ruhr region. Bochum will be a host city of the World University Games 2025.

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Upgrading digitalisation research

The NRW government is upgrading digitalisation research to a considerable extent. The Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS) in Bochum will become the central research institute, supported with an initial 2.1 million euros in 2021 and an annual 6 million euros in the final expansion stage after 2024. The CAIS’s backers are the RUB, the University of Duisburg-Essen, the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, the University of Münster, the GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, the RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research and the Grimme Institute.

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Bochum is home to the German Centre for Mental Health

Having won the nationwide competition, Bochum will be home to the new National Centre for Mental Health. The centre, consisting of six locations in total, is designed to be permanent and will be funded with 30 million euros annually by the federal and the regional governments. Bochum’s success is testimony to excellent achievements in psychology at RUB and is also a milestone for the Ruhr Knowledge Metropolis.

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RUB is European University

Eight cities with an industrial heritage have joined forces to form the European alliance UNIC with the aim of shaping the society of the future. As one of the European Universities, the alliance will be funded by the European Commission for three years from October 2020. RUB cooperates with the universities in Bilbao, Cork, Istanbul, Liège, Oulu, Rotterdam and Zagreb.

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Milestone for the technology campus

We celebrated an important milestone on the future technology campus Mark 51°7 following the completion of the shell of the ZESS research building: the RUB’s Centre for the Engineering of Smart Product-Service Systems (ZESS) will be the first one to open its doors on the seven-hectare site.

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Research against the waste of resources

Research teams from the universities in Bochum and Magdeburg plan to develop the first computer simulation models for particle production processes that are very energy-intensive but have so far been difficult to control. The Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio 287 “Bulk-Reaction” is being funded with approx. 10 million euros.

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“I like it a lot here”

At the end of his visiting professorship, Joachim Gauck expresses his gratitude for the “fabulously patient auditorium” – while his audience was above all eager to ask questions and engage in discussion. Gauck’s Max Imdahl Visiting Professorship ended in January 2020 with a major lecture in the RUB Audimax.

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Funding of the start-up centre

RUB is currently investing over 20 million euros to set up its Worldfactory start-up centre. Funding supplied by the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia contributes significantly to the expansion of start-ups in Bochum. In close collaboration with the city, RUB is developing a new technology campus on the premises of the former Opel factory in Bochum, namely Mark 51°7.

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THINK is being built

Great joy at RUB: On 5 July 2019, the Science Conference approved the funding of the research building Center for Theoretical and Integrative Neuro- and Cognitive Science, THINK. Thus, the Science Conference confirmed the recommendation of the Science Council. In May 2019, it had recommended that the research building should be financed, and awarded it top marks. Moreover, Think took first place at the Science Conference.

Press release

Kick-off for the Centre for Protein Diagnostics

The Centre for Protein Diagnostics has been launched. The researchers are happy about the excellent working conditions. New methods for the diagnosis of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases are thus to be transferred to the clinic to treat patients as quickly as possible.

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It’s a yes for Max Planck Institute

Following the decision by the Joint Science Conference, the course has finally been set for the new Max Planck Institute in Bochum. The Max Planck Institute for Cyber Security and Privacy will significantly contribute to sustainable and dedicated world-class research into IT security in the Ruhr area.

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Further achievements

An overview over RUB’s history can be found here.

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