Careers with equal opportunities
RUB is aware of the role it plays within society and its responsibilities related thereto.
Whereas RUB, as a community of students, researchers, and members of staff, is aware of the role it plays within society and its responsibilities related thereto. Accordingly, RUB has devised these Compliance Guidelines, which define the principles of behavior that shall govern the conduct of its members and affiliates.
The trust that our students and researchers as well as the maintenance and administration staff, the public and of our science and business partners put into all RUB members and affiliates to behave in a responsible, law-abiding and morally integer manner is of the utmost importance for our University's reputation and success.
Our motto "humane - accomplished - open to the worlde" is both our pledge and our claim with respect to how our members, affiliates, visitors and external partners conduct their internal professional relations as well as their external interactions.
The conduct of the University, its members and affiliates is naturally in line with statue and law. These Guidelines specify the fundamental requirements regarding the actions and behavior of RUB members and affiliates. They point out those areas that are particularly relevant for the University's everyday operations. These Guidelines have been devised to encourage each individual to act in an autonomous and responsible manner. The drafting of the RUB Guidelines is explained in supplementary documentation which is cross-referenced in the Guidelines.
RUB shall not tolerate any corruption, bribery and accepting of advantages whatsoever. Property of Ruhr-Universität Bochum shall not be used for personal purposes or removed from the University premises. This does not apply to the use of work equipment for official purposes outside the University premises.
The personal (co-) use of mobile communication and DV devices is permitted as per standard practice.
Decision-making processes affecting individuals shall be governed by adequate norms and regulations.
Business processes shall be duly documented in a transparent manner.
Correct and complete recording of accounting-relevant information is ensured through an adequate internal control system.
RUB members and affiliates must not let their private interests interfere with the University's interests. HR-related decisions, exams or business transactions with third parties shall be solely and exclusively governed by objective criteria.
Within the limits of the powers conferred on it, RUB ensures that its members and affiliates as well as all people employed in its organizations adhere to the principles of good research practice.
Scientific discoveries and intellectual properties shall not be passed on to third parties without the approval of the authorized party. The property rights of third parties shall be respected.
RUB promotes and encourages a learning culture that values an open dialogue between all parties.
RUB is aware of its responsibility for health and safety of humans. It advocates the protection of the environment and of animals.
RUB promotes equal opportunity and diversity. Both are essential requirements for the University's good reputation and success.
RUB members and affiliates shall treat each other as well as RUB visitors in a friendly, sober, appreciative and respectful manner.
Discrimination and harassment of any kind shall not be tolerated.
Executive and teaching personnel carry particular responsibility. They shall organise and manage their areas of responsibility in such a manner that compliance with legal and university-specific rules and regulations is ensured.
RUB faces new challenges in a constructive manner. In the interest of maintaining high quality standards and optimum service, complaints and suggestions for improvement are reviewed and processed in a quick and fair manner.
The conduct of RUB, its members and affiliates is defined by personal responsibility, honesty, loyalty and respect for other people and the environment. The objectives pertaining to these Guidelines can only be achieved if all parties contribute to their implementation.
RUB provides coaching and training as well as access to all relevant information sources to all members and affiliates of the University in order to prevent law infringements and violations of regulations.
All RUB members and affiliates are responsible for adhering to the Compliance Guidelines. As role models, executive and teaching personnel carry particular responsibility. In case of complaints, RUB members and affiliates have the option to address their concerns to their superiors or, if necessary, to the executive staff at a higher level, or to University management. The RUB ombudsperson is available for confidential consultations.