Both the findings from the implementation of the first digitalization strategy and the teaching and learning experiences under pandemic conditions played an important role in the further development of the digitalization strategy for teaching. Added to this were the rapid developments in AI applications and the opportunities created by the use of digital tools for teachers and students.
The enhanced digitalization strategy of Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) includes objectives and measures in the following areas:
Students at Ruhr University Bochum are prepared for the current challenges of the digital world of work and life and learn to independently keep the subject-specific and interdisciplinary digital skills they acquire during their studies up to date. Institutions responsible for degree courses and their teaching staff anticipate trends at an early stage and incorporate them into the curricula. In this way, these digitally-reflective, extended specialist skills are anchored in the curriculum. Teaching-learning scenarios benefit from the successful combination of classroom and digital support formats.
What Ruhr University Bochum is actually doing:
Digital teaching and digital examinations enrich classroom teaching where they promote the personal development of students, safeguard educational opportunities and make didactic sense. Ruhr University Bochum supports its faculties and lecturers in the use of digital teaching, for example to expand teaching internationally and to intensify interaction between students and lecturers and students in courses. It encourages them to try out new forms and formats of digital teaching and, following successful initial implementation, to anchor them permanently in degree courses.
What Ruhr University Bochum is actually doing:
Digital tools and instruments are changing the feedback culture. A variety of digital feedback processes support both students and teachers in their individual development. They help students to ascertain their learning progress, manage their learning process and provide evidence of their performance to third parties. Teachers use them to further develop their teaching in an informed manner. Digital learning assistance systems based on artificial intelligence, for example, are incorporated in a targeted and transparent manner. The intensive use of digital feedback instruments and tools supports a high degree of individualization and interaction, reduces the workload and helps to do justice to the heterogeneity of students.
What Ruhr University Bochum is actually doing:
Digitally supported international teaching in the form of digital or hybrid joint events across national borders (Virtual Exchange) and other digital mobility formats (Opened Courses, Virtual Mobility) is a central component of internationalization@home. It proactively supports this, particularly in international networks such as the European University Alliance UNIC. Digital tools and platforms open up access to international teaching and learning formats as part of the curricula and to a wide range of extra-curricular offerings. The curricula of all degree programs regulate whether and how students can acquire CP through Virtual Mobility or Virtual Exchange.
What Ruhr University Bochum is actually doing:
Barrier-free communication is the basis for equal participation in studies, research and teaching. Ruhr University Bochum provides support and information on inclusive didactics and digital accessibility and is developing its own services in line with the rapid developments in digitalization. Students, lecturers and advisors at RUB are sensitized to the topic, they know and use the available offers and tools.
What Ruhr University Bochum is actually doing:
Digital teaching and studying is possible everywhere at Ruhr University Bochum thanks to central support at various levels. As technical infrastructure plays a key role in this, it is being continuously developed in collaboration with teaching staff and students in order to create didactic and practical added value for teaching and studying. The introduction and further development of a new campus management system plays a central role as a uniform, comprehensive and seamless tool for the entire university. The system maps improved and complexity-reduced core processes and regulations of the study and examination organization and is the basis for further teaching and study-supporting digital – also AI-based – service and support offers.
What Ruhr University Bochum is actually doing: