Two female reserchers analyse a sample

Furthering the development of postdoc researchers

RUB continues to support early career researchers after the PhD – regardless if they pursue a career at RUB or outside of academia. In the process, RUB furthers the development of young research talents on all levels

Research School

The Research School provides assistance and advice to postdoctoral researchers, covering the full range from project planning to funding options. In interdisciplinary workshops and events, it supplies the skills and tools necessary to ensure outstanding PhD research and to help postdocs start their career. The Research School focuses on individual consultancy, interdisciplinary dialogue, and promotion of international research in order to make sure that early career researchers from all disciplines benefit from high-quality training.

Research School

Research Academy Ruhr

Following the success of the RUB Research School, the University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr) has built the Research Academy Ruhr as a platform for joint perspectives and programmes for promoting early career researchers. It prepares them for a career in research, industry and society, supports existing research project networks within UA Ruhr, and facilitates the initialisation of new joint projects.

Research Academy Ruhr

Research Departments

The RUB’s main research areas are organised in flexible cross-faculty Research Departments. They are closely interlinked with each other as well as within regional and international networks. Early career researchers are involved in these powerful networks at an early stage, where they benefit from the know-how and experience in both their own and related disciplines.

Research Departments

RUB Career Track

The programme constitutes a unique chance for highly qualified RUB researchers who had not originally been on the path towards tenure: academics who show outstanding performance in their discipline can be recommended for a Career Track professorship by their faculty. RUB has thus created an alternative to traditional appointment procedures.

The RUB Career Track is open to the following researchers:

  • junior research group leaders
  • junior professors
  • members of the Academic Senate on limited appointment
  • postdocs
  • outstanding early career researchers who have received an appointment from outside the university

RUB Career Track

Novice bonus

In this programme, the university awards the acceptance of a first proposal for an independent research project by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The purpose of the scheme is to provide an incentive for early career researchers to conduct independent research at an early stage and to overcome potential inhibitions associated with submitting a proposal for the first time.

The programme addresses all researchers at RUB whose proposal had been accepted by DFG as a “First DFG Proposal”. It is part of the initial funding scheme, introduced by DFG in June 2009.

Novice bonus (german website)

Other university programmes

In order to promote talents in research and education, RUB supports researchers through strategic university programmes.

Other universiy programmes (german website)

Talent promotion
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