Built to change

Ruhr University Bochum understands the ins and outs of change: It has spearheaded the transformation of the Ruhr region from a mining community to a science hub since 1965. Its reformist mindset defies academic tradition. Its mission is to provide education for all.

Built to change

Inspiring new ideas, facilitating change, supporting progress: Underpinned by these core values, Ruhr University Bochum enables individuals to set things in motion.

Das Bild zeigt  Yasmina und Maike unterwegs auf dem RUB-Campus.

Ever since its earliest days, Ruhr University Bochum has been eager to get students from non-academic backgrounds on board. For many people, going to university is a major hurdle to overcome. Especially if the notion of an academic career is not part of their family culture.

Our claim - our mission statement

Our claim encapsulates our self-image and the standards that guide our actions in the past, present and future. It communicates our mindset and highlights the metamorphosis undergone by Ruhr University Bochum.

Built to change

Built to change: That is our foundation, our mission statement and our mandate for the future, and as such is a driving force for the entire region. Promoting talent from all over the world, tearing down disciplinary barriers, embracing diversity, keeping an open mind, staying true to ourselves while surpassing ourselves. This is the spirit of Ruhr University Bochum, and it empowers us to make a difference worldwide – as long as we keep reinventing ourselves.

Stay different!

Martin Paul, Rector Ruhr University
A new claim through animated exchange

Students, employees, researchers and alumni contributed to the “Why RUB?” project and answered precisely this question. They did so by sharing their stories and discussing what makes Ruhr University Bochum so unique.

Image brochure

Get to know all facets of our claim "Built to change" in our image brochure.

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