Kunst am Bau Vasarely Keramikwand
Keramikwand, Victor Vasarely

Confronting Unconscious Bias

Ruhr University addresses the diversity of all its status groups, as well as the opportunities and challenges it brings, in a self-critical and constructive manner.

The Unconscious Bias Project opens up a complementary perspective on diversity and asks how prejudices and assumptions about people and groups come about, how we can reflect on them, and what we can do to mitigate their effects.

Lecture Series

Everyday bias

Unconscious biases are part of all human perception and judgment processes. They allow us to resort to "cognitive shortcuts" in everyday life and thus simplify numerous situations in which we need to process social information quickly. This helps our ability to act, but also makes our judgment prone to error.

Many different biases have been described, some of which can lead to the systematic disadvantage of individuals and groups. These include, for example, the well-known affinity bias, which leads members of selection committees to prefer applicants according to unconsciously perceived similarities. Unconscious bias can thus weaken the principle of merit-based selection.

Dealing with unconscious bias means critically questioning processes of perception and judgment and making them less prone to error. To this end, the Ruhr University is creating spaces for discussion and further training opportunities, and providing information material and suggestions for exchange.

Resources and offers

On this page, you will find our learning resources on the topic of unconscious bias – scientifically sound and tailored to the university work context. Most resources are in German, but they are gradually being translated into English.

Two short videos (in German) invite you to take a first approach to the concept of unconscious bias.

RUB Youtube channel

Our freely accessible e-learning tool (in German) allows you to acquire in-depth knowledge independently and at your own pace. The tutorial is open to everyone - all you need is a Moodle account.


We offer a range of exchange and training formats for scientists with and without management responsibilities, appointment officers, science managers and technical and administrative staff. Discuss with your peers and hone your competencies! English language trainings are occasionally offered.

Training Portal

The lecture series 'Perspectives on Unconscious Bias' brings together interdisciplinary contributions related to bias and diversity each winter semester. The lectures are open to all members of the RUB and to the general public.

Lecture series

The perfect introduction to the topic: a special issue of the Chancen=Magazine, published by the RUB Equal Opportunities Office, deals with unconscious bias.

Chancen= Magazine

Why the Unconscious Bias Approach?

The concept goes beyond approaching diversity and discrimination with a focus on disadvantage, which can also lead to perceiving minorities as deficient. Instead, the entire university community – including individuals and groups with power and privilege – is called upon to develop bias literacy: a (self-)critical, constructive approach to prejudice and stereotypes.

External funding

The project was supported with a grant from the Foundation of the German Rectors’ Conference and funds from the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) from 06/2023 - 04/2024.



Dezernat 6: Strategische Personal- und Talententwicklung
Phone Number
Bildliche beispielhafte Darstellung eines Doktorhuts
Structure and background
Diversity portal
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