Gesundheitsmanagement RUB
Herbstimpression vom Botanischen Garten der RUB

Health management

Maintaining and promoting the health of its employees is a key concern for Ruhr University Bochum. Alongside qualifications and motivation, physical and mental health are an important resource that allows all employees to fully exploit their potential and enjoy coming to work.

Creating a health-promoting and safe working environment is thus an important task that Ruhr University Bochum actively carries out with its health management team: The nature of workplaces and working processes is also taken into account alongside the working environment, job satisfaction and health-related behavior in the workplace.

The aim is to systematically provide the employees of Ruhr University Bochum with healthy framework conditions for their work and offer measures to maintain and boost their health.

The Health Control Group ensures optimum collaboration between all of the necessary actors involved in this. This connects organisational units with specialist responsibility in the field of employee health and the special interest groups.

Services, campaigns and useful information

Further information and all services, points of contact and framework conditions that contribute to a comprehensively healthy and safe working environment at Ruhr University Bochum can be found on the internal Serviceportal for employees under the following category:

Health and safety (login required)

Contact person


Health Management
Administrative Department 6: Strategic Personnel and Talent Development

SH 1/181

Phone Number
RUB as an employer
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