Young researcher looking at components

RUB as an employer

A career at RUB has many faces: from apprenticeships in horticultural management to academic tenure – it offers the perspective that matches personality and skills. RUB thus provides prospects for the future and supports professional and personal development.

RUB firmly believes that happy employees are good employees. In order to ensure employee satisfaction, RUB provides a wealth of training and further education opportunities as well as assistance for balancing career with family responsibilities. All schemes and programmes in the areas of human resources development, workplace health management, as well as training and further education aim at offering individual and best possible support to all members of staff and to foster their development. In order to promote frankness and fairness in the community, RUB complies with clearly defined standards and values in all areas of life and work. For the benefit of every RUB member.

Getting new members of staff on board

When it comes to supporting new members of staff, RUB is guided by its credo “humane, accomplished, open to the world”. RUB’s onboarding programme makes it easy for new employees to learn the ropes in their new job and become part of the team. Thanks to professional assistance and a clearly defined structure of the entire introduction and integration process, new members of staff find their way around their new workplace and feel quite at home at RUB from day one. RUB is convinced that successful acclimatisation boosts its employees’ motivation and satisfaction, thus facilitating successful collaboration within the teams.

Human resources development and qualification

We offer our employees a plethora of opportunities to expand their competencies in seminars, workshops and training courses. Individual consultancy is provided by our coaches and mentors. Our career training and further education facilities are dynamically adapted to meet our employees’ requirements.

Training for lecturers and tutors

Good education is our mission. Striving to provide high-quality education to our students, we are committed to strategically combining research and education. In our continuous training programmes for our teaching staff, we help you

  • … create new and innovative teaching concepts.
  • … optimise your lectures and seminars.
  • ... add to your didactic toolkit.
  • … strengthen the collaboration among your students.

Family-friendly university

Ruhr-Universität invests in creative and dedicated individuals. We aim at being recognised as an attractive, reliable and family-friendly employer. This is why we support our members of staff who take care of their partner, children or relatives. All RUB members benefit from our support services for families.

Equal opportunity

Gender equality is one of our most important concerns. This is why we specifically promote the careers of female researchers and support them during the transition from graduation, through PhD, all the way into the postdoc phase. In seminars and support programmes, we help female researchers strengthen their self-marketing competencies, and we encourage them to increase their visibility. Ruhr-Universität presents the ideal service package for our female employees at every stage of their life.

Workplace health management

We want you to feel good. The RUB health management and the strategic unit for workplace safety ensure a good workplace environment and keep our employees in good health. Moreover, a number of prevention courses and courses on relaxation techniques are available to our members of staff at our university sports department. There, participants learn exercises and techniques that help them alleviate the stress and strain caused by working at the computer all day.

Employees with disabilities

We are convinced that eradicating obstacles and barriers is crucial for boosting our university’s overall performance. To make sure that the university as a community benefits from the personalities and talents of each of its members, we advocate the inclusion of employees with disabilities. By providing support schemes that are specifically developed to meet their requirements and by installing fully accessible workplaces, we wish to ensure that working at RUB is a barrier-free and satisfying experience.

Integration and internationalisation

The Ruhr area has stood for a cosmopolitan approach and diversity for decades – and Ruhr-Universität, too, thinks global. As far as research and education are concerned, we foster international collaboration and exchange across national borders. We support international researchers from day one, helping them find their way around RUB and feel at home in Bochum.

International RUB

Coming back from a hiatus

Accidents or illnesses might throw us off course in our private and professional life. In order for things to get back to normal as quickly as possible, our employees are supported by the RUB Corporate Integration Management (BEM) RUB. Specific integration measures enable employees who suffer from a prolonged or chronic illness to return to work. With joined forces, we find an appropriate employment option and identify and supply the aids that enable each employee to overcome his or her disability or illness.

Location-flexible working

In order to strengthen the compatibility of work and individual life circumstances and to provide work with a high degree of flexibility, many RUB employees can also work in a location-flexible manner. A workers’ agreement provides the framework for this and complements daily on-site work with two possibilities:

  • 1) the possibility to flexibly choose the place of work on some days and to work from home or another location (“Mobile Arbeit”), and
  • 2) a form of permanently installed homework where the days are set (“Alternierende Telearbeit”).
Better together
Logo Besser miteinander
Logo Besser miteinander

Ruhr-Universität Bochum is one of the employers in Bochum taking a visible stand against discrimination in the workplace. Together with its partners from the UniverCity network, the Ruhr-Universität has signed the charter "Better together - Bochum employers against discrimination".

Stiefmütterchen mit RUB-Audimax im Hintergrund
Integration Management Programme
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