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Onboarding new employees

Ruhr University Bochum is convinced that a successful arrival promotes the satisfaction and motivation of its employees. For this reason, it simplifies the induction phase for everyone with tailor-made onboarding offers.

New employees and their teams are supported in structuring the induction process in a professional manner so that they can be accepted and integrated into the team more quickly.

The Department of Strategic Personnel and Talent Development offers guides, process descriptions, checklists, feedback guides and much more. This material is intended to provide the best possible support and relief for managers, secretaries and mentors during the induction process. Plus, it should enable new employees to have a successful start at Ruhr University Bochum.

Offers for new employees

As a new employee, Ruhr University Bochum would like to provide you with the best possible support for your start and induction. We have provided a lot of information and services for you. You can find a small selection of these here.

Further information can be found in the Serviceportal, the internal area for employees. You can access this via Onboarding at RUB once you have received your RUB LoginID.

Offers for superiors

Onboarding new employees is essentially a management task. Accordingly, supervisors should plan and manage the entire onboarding process. In doing so, checklists, feedback discussion guides, templates for induction plans and other materials support them.

Offers for secretaries and mentors

Secretaries and mentors also play a central role in the entire onboarding process. As experienced employees, they know the processes and contexts well and are usually the first point of contact for their new colleagues’ questions and concerns. With various checklists (e.g. for preparing a workplace), they should be relieved as much as possible in their work in the context of onboarding.



Administrative Department 6: Strategic Personnel and Talent Development

SH 1/184

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Ruhr University Bochum as an employer
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