University programs


Program for the development and extension of digital teaching offerings (Virtual Mobility/Virtual Exchange) in international cooperation

What is the aim of the program?

Funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the university program "UNIC@Ruhr University Bochum" aims to establish and expand digital international courses (Virtual Exchange; Blended Exchange) within the EU-funded consortium UNIC - The European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition. Funding is provided for the cross-university development of innovative courses with digital components in bilateral and multilateral cooperations with the aim of preparing students for international work and academic life through joint digital-based work and increasing virtual international mobility between Ruhr University Bochum and the UNIC partner universities. Funding is provided exclusively through the financing of student assistants .

Who can apply?

Lecturers from all faculties and institutes involved in degree programs can participate in the program. Applications can also be submitted jointly by lecturers and students. The head of the institute and the faculty's deans office should be informed of the application. The application must be accompanied by a statement from the departmental student committee.

What decision criteria are used as a basis for funding?

The following criteria must be taken into account in applications:

  • The projects involve one or more partner universities from the UNIC network.
  • The jointly planned formats include digital components and collaborative tasks in an international setting that enable the active participation and exchange of students from the partner universities.
  • If successful, this or a similar format will be integrated into the course offerings.

What is supported?

Technical and organizational support for the development and implementation of courses with virtual and blended exchange formats together with UNIC partners is provided by funding student or research assistants.

The maximum funding amounts to 3000 euros.

Measures that have already begun or have already been implemented and are now being extended to UNIC partners are also eligible for funding.

What is the procedure and who decides on funding?

The UNIC Executive Office at Ruhr University Bochum regularly decides on incoming applications on a bi-weekly basis. When awarding the grants, care is taken to ensure that they are distributed as evenly as possible between the faculties.

To participate, please use the application form provided online, in which the project, its target group, a timetable, the UNIC partner(s) involved and the resources requested are presented.

If necessary, an additional page with graphics, tables or similar can be attached to the application form for further explanation. With the exception of the departmental student committee's statement, additional attachment pages are only possible in justified cases.

What application deadline must be observed?

There are no application deadlines; applications can be submitted at any time. As the total amount of funding is limited, it is advisable to apply early. Please contact the UNIC team before submitting your application.

Submit your applications by e-mail. Send them to with the subject "UNIC@Ruhr University Bochum". Please also inform your institute management and the deans office of your faculty about your application.

Download application (PDF)

We look forward to receiving your concepts and will be happy to advise you in advance!

Questions and advice:

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