Open Science: Free Access to Science and Teaching

Ruhr University Bochum is committed to free access to science. It is committed to removing financial, technical or legal barriers wherever possible and is thus committed to Open Science.


An episode of the SFB 1280 podcast “Kannste Vergessen - Der Podcast vom Lernen, Vergessen und Erinnern.” on the topic of Open Science and ReproducibiliTEA Bochum with guests Lianne Wolsink and Robert Reichert.


Love Data Week is an international week that takes place annually around Valentine's Day and offers events on research data and research data management.

RUB is also participating in the program with a Coffee Lecture series and a FAIRytale.

Photo: AI-generated

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Die Open Science Handlungsfelder der RUB

Computer und Magazine

Open Access refers to the free and unrestricted access to re-usable scientific publications on the internet.

Monitore mit Forschungsdaten

Ruhr University Bochum recommends sharing research data in the public domain to an appropriate extent at the earliest possible stage.

Neonschild mit der Aufschrift "Open"

Open Educational Resources (OER) are education materials that can be reproduced, distributed and reused free of charge.

Open Science working group

The Open Science working group brings together stakeholders at the Ruhr-Universität who are already working intensively on the topic of Open Science from various perspectives (Open Access, Open Data, Open Educational Resources and others) and offer information and advice on this topic. Once a year, the working group organizes the Open Science Week at the Ruhr-Universität, which offers workshops, discussions and exchanges on the topic of Open Science.

The working group aims to raise the profile and relevance of Open Science at the university. This also includes developing the topic further and filling it with life.

The working group is therefore also open to other interested parties. Anyone who would like to is welcome to contribute activities, suggestions and ideas.


What is Open Science?

Open Science comprises a bundle of measures and practices that aim to make scientific findings and data openly accessible, reusable and verifiable. Scientific exchange and collaboration should be promoted within the scientific community and with other interested parties. In addition, knowledge acquisition and knowledge communication should also be opened up beyond the scientific community. Open Science represents a cultural change in science and has an impact on the core tasks of research, teaching and transfer (see UNESCO Recommendations on Open Science).

For this reason, Ruhr University adopted a university-wide Open Science Policy in June 2022.

Official Announcement Open Science Policy

Here you can download the Official Announcement No. 1469 "Open Science Policy of Ruhr University Bochum" dated June 1, 2022 as a PDF.

Open Science Policy (pdf)

Weitere Informationen und Beispiele für Open Science an der RUB

At the Ruhr University Bochum you will find offers in various areas and ongoing projects to make your research transparent and open. You can find further information on these pages:

  • World Factory - Knowledge and Technology Transfer: training and consulting services in the areas of scientific dialog, research and development with society
  • RUB Research School: extracurricular qualification program for scientists on their career path with events on important topics in the field of Open Science; early support in reflecting on current discussions and developments on Open Science against the background of their own research
  • Department of University Communication, Universaal: support in the field of science dialog
  • UNIC (European University of Post-Industrial Cities) supports teaching staff and students in making teaching and studying at RUB more international, innovative and inclusive and in entering into an exchange with urban society on socially relevant issues. Under UNIC4ER (UNIC for Engaged Research), ways and offers for research are developed to promote the co-production of knowledge for and with society and to involve cities and citizens directly in their research.
Bildliche beispielhafte Darstellung eines Dokuments.
Research, research, study and transfer
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