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Talent development in the Student Life Cycle

Ruhr University Bochum provides a wide range of programmes to help students find the right path to a career, from their very first day at university until graduation, to help them find the right career path.

Career Service

Ruhr University provides a wide range of programmes to help students find the right path to a career, from their very first day at university until graduation, to help them find the right career path.

Student guidance

How do I find my way around Ruhr University Bochum? How do I support myself during my studies? What can I do when I run into any difficulties? We don’t leave our students alone with these questions: Specially trained teams of advisors listen, provide food for thought and practical tips – all the way from before you enter university to when you take the step into professional life.

Central offices


Studying, researching or pursuing a PhD degree – a scholarship makes all of this easier. The important factors are making the right choice and being well prepared for the selection process. Ruhr University offers advice and information on scholarships for prospective and current students, international students as well as tips for departments and faculties.

Group coaching for female students

Group coaching for female students is an opportunity for participants to discuss insecurities and hurdles in their academic pursuits and to work out solutions together.

Student start-ups

Our Worldfactory Start-up Center promotes start-ups originating at the university, including those founded by students.

FACE@RUB stands for Female Academic Entrepreneurs and is the incubator for female founders at Ruhr University Bochum. We wish to inspire female students and young academics to pursue their own start-up ideas and to engage with female entrepreneurs.

Student initiative projects

Student initiative projects enable students to put their own ideas for teaching into practice and receive professional support and funding.

Top sports

With the project “Partner University of Top Sports”, the University Sports Department supports athletes, mainly in Olympic disciplines, who are members of a national team. Student cadre athletes receive additional benefits and extra support to help them reconcile their studies with top-level sport.

Mary Walton Mentoring Programme

Mary Walton Mentoring is a peer mentoring programme for female Master’s students at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The programme supports a regular group of female students in entering their professional careers. It focuses on the students’ own experiences as well as gender-specific and subject-specific challenges in their personal career development.

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Talent development
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