Studentinnen im Labor der Biopsychologie
Zwei Studentinnen im Labor der Biopsychologie

Equal opportunities in research, study and administration

In recognition of gender diversity, equal opportunities for women and men is a central strategic goal of a sustainable university for RUB. RUB is committed to equality among all students, researchers, as well as members of technical and administrative staff. Equality is understood as a cross-sectional task to which all departments are committed.

RUB specifically promotes the careers of women and aims to significantly increase the percentage of female students and researchers in areas where they are underrepresented. All students, researchers, lecturers and members of technical and administrative staff have access to a wide range of advisory services and training programmes. In addition, equal opportunities are promoted through numerous projects and initiatives on campus.

Equal Opportunity Officers

RUB maintains an innovative structure for the implementation of equal opportunities, both at the central and decentralised level. Our Equal Opportunities Officers advocate for gender equality on campus and are committed to an open and diverse campus culture. The aim is to break down structural barriers.

In addition to the central Equal Opportunities Officers, decentralised Equal Opportunities Officers are on hand in the faculties and central institutions of RUB for individual consultancy. To ensure equal opportunities between members of different genders, the Equal Opportunities Officers also take part in committees and selection procedures, initiate activities and advise the respective heads.

Gender-sensitive HR development and mentoring

RUB promotes equal opportunities in academia through dedicated HR development opportunities such as training, mentoring and coaching. Here, group-specific formats – for example, on dealing with gender-specific challenges in career planning – are complemented by programmes designed to raise awareness of equal opportunities goals and challenges in different target groups.

Structured mentoring programmes for the doctoral and postdoctoral phase are specifically aimed at female researchers and specifically promote gender equality in academia.


RUB has been part of the EU-funded project “Redesigning Equality and Scientific Excellence Together” RESET since 2021. The project aims to promote equality in higher education policy strategies. As a mentor in the project, RUB shares its experience with other European universities that have not yet implemented institutionalised gender equality strategies.

RUB is part of the international university consortium UNIC – European University of Post-Industrial Cities. It is an association of eight universities dedicated to promoting student mobility, social integration and diversity. By creating a European university, the aim is to increase exchange and cooperation in teaching, research and transfer. Students, researchers, teachers and administrative staff are to benefit from the opportunities offered by a European campus. Through its”UNIC4ER – Engaged Research” unit, the consortium also focuses specifically on impact-oriented, systematic co-production of knowledge for and with society. In addition to RUB, UNIC includes universities from Bilbao, Cork, Istanbul, Liège, Oulu, Rotterdam and Zagreb.


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