Forscherin und Forscher an der Elektronenspinresonanz im Labor
Forscherin und Forscher an der Elektronenspinresonanz im Labor

Talent development in science

Ruhr University Bochum supports its young academics from the start of their academic career to a lifetime professorship with numerous career development programmes. All researchers and lecturers at Ruhr University have to opportunity to receive assistance for planning and shaping their academic career. Plus, there are many opportunities for further training, guidance and networking.

Equal opportunities in academia

The Collaborative Research Centres, Research Training Groups, Research Groups, Priority Programmes and Clusters of Excellence at Ruhr University Bochum implement a concept for the career development of young female academics and for raising awareness of equal opportunities, in collaboration with Gender Consulting, which is part of the Human Resources Development Department.

Ruhr University uses target group-specific mentoring programmes to promote the career development of female academics. Female doctoral and postdoctoral researchers benefit from the mentoring³ programme across the UA Ruhr. Upon request, junior professors with and without tenure track are mentored by an experienced colleague when taking up a professorship at Ruhr University Bochum.

As part of the Female Research Talent Attraction Programme, Ruhr University Bochum has made ten open-field professorships available since June 2021, which are filled exclusively by female academics.

Human Research Strategy for Research (HRS4R)

HRS4R is a quality development process for academic personnel development.

Our goal is to obtain the HR Excellence in Research Award, which is granted by the European Commission. It identifies institutions in the European higher education sector that provide excellent working conditions for researchers.

  • HRS4R process (service portal page, only accessible for members via the network of Ruhr University)
Early career researchers

Ruhr University Bochum has always been committed to supporting early career researchers. Junior academics should be able to advance their careers and pursue their own projects at an early stage. Ruhr University provides the best possible support in this respect.

Early career researchers

Research Departments

Our research foci are organised in interdepartmental, flexible Research Departments. They are closely networked with each other, both on a regional and international level. Junior researchers are integrated into these networks at an early stage so they can benefit from the know-how and experience both within their own and related disciplines.

Career programmes for academics

Wide range of opportunities for academics: In addition to the conventional appointment procedure, there are three alternative paths to a tenured professorship at Ruhr University Bochum.

University programmes

In order to promote talent in teaching and research, Ruhr University Bochum supports academics through strategic university programmes.

Bildliche beispielhafte Darstellung eines Doktorhuts
Talent development
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