Ausbildung Buchbinder
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Talent development for technical and administrative staff

Ruhr University Bochum provides support for technical and administrative staff on their career path as well. Moreover, it is one of the largest training companies in Bochum.

In addition to further training in the fields of languages, communication in day-to-day business and healthcare, there are also mentoring programmes and leadership training for members of the technical and administrative staff.

Human resources development for technical and administrative staff

The broad range of tasks and requirements for our employees is also reflected in the university’s HR development programmes.


Vocational training at Ruhr University Bochum

Ruhr University Bochum is one of the largest employers and training companies in Bochum. We offer apprenticeships for a total of 22 professions.

Frauen am Puls der Zeit

The annual event “Frauen am Puls der Zeit” (“Women on the pulse of time) brings together 500 members of technical and administrative staff. In addition to the opportunity to network, the event offers concise workshops in the form of lunch discussions focusing on a wide range of topics: from project management, through occupational healthcare, to digital working techniques and communication.

Working groups

In addition, working groups provide an opportunity for an exchange of experiences among colleagues and for further professionalisation. New digital formats “Kollegial digital” and “Digitaler Impuls” facilitate better networking among members of the technical and administrative staff.

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Talent development

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